You Can Make a Difference!
The Mesa Grande PTSC is a group of parents, teachers, students, and community members who want to make Mesa Grade Elementary School a better place. Throughout the year, they work hard to enrich the lives and learning of our students. Thanks to them, we can have Fall Carnival, Holiday Gift Shop, Book Fair, and Field Day. Every month there is something new to do!
The PTSC always has many opportunities for involvement. So, they need you! Come on out and get involved! Research shows that when parents get involved, children do better in school.
Special Events – Year-at-a-Glance
Fall Scholastic Book Fair: August 12th – 16th
Walk-A-Thon: September 20th
Fall Carnival: October 2nd
Boo Grams: October 28th - 31st
Halloween Parade: October 31st
Holiday Pictures: December 3rd – 4th
Christmas Shop: December 11th – 15th
World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser: February 3rd – 28th
Winter Scholastic Book Fair: February 3rd – 7th
"Pie in the Face" Fundraiser: February 14th
Easter Grams: April 16th – 18th
Spring Scholastic Book Fair: May 5th – May 9th
Staff vs. 6th Grade Kickball: May 27th
Field Day: May 28th
6th Grade Parade: May 29th
Spirit Days
Red Ribbon Week: October 28th – November 1st
Monday: Extreme Blue and White
Tuesday: Disney Day
Wednesday: Students Dress Like Teachers / Teachers Dress Like a Students
Thursday: Halloween Parade
Friday: School Support Day
Winter Spirit Week: December 16th – 20th
Monday: Crazy Sock Day
Tuesday: Red and Green Day
Wednesday: Pajama Day
Thursday: Christmas Hat Day
Friday: Ugly Sweater Day
Spring Spirit Week: May 27th – May 29th
Tuesday: TBD
Wednesday: TBD
Thursday: TBD
Meeting Minutes

President: Eva Ramirez
Vice President: Alma Sanchez
Secretary: Sara Ramirez
Treasurer: Tom Keightley
Parent Liaison: Rebeca Cardona
August 9
September 6
October 4
November 1
December 6
January 10
February 27
March 7
April 4
May 2
*Meetings will begin at 9:00am
All parents and family members of Mesa Grande students are eligible and welcome to get involved!
If you are interested in becoming part of the PTSC, please email: mesaptsc@gmail.com
You can also contact:
Rebeca Cardona, Parent Liaison